Road infrastructure projects
MGGP S.A. provides comprehensive design services for road infrastructure projects, which constitute a significant part of civil engineering. We perform multidisciplinary design studies both on a micro and macro scale.
The main recipients of our studies are the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA), Provincial, District, Municipal, and Commune Roads Administrations.
With years of experience and our multidisciplinary team, we provide support for the most complex projects at every stage of their implementation, from conceptual work, through construction and detailed designs, environmental documentation, necessary approvals, decisions, and permits for project implementation (e.g., environmental decisions, permission for the performance of a road construction project), to preparation of tender documentation, and the project architect's supervision throughout the construction works based on the prepared documentation.
The services provided by MGGP S.A. cover the entire life cycle of a project, from the development of a conceptual design, through detailed designs, to contract management, control and supervision of project implementation, and subsequent operation. Close cooperation of our engineering teams as early as at the stage of planning and designing infrastructure solutions enables a multi-level approach to find optimal solutions for human needs and respect to the natural environment.
It is essentially our clients who shape our offer. They introduce their needs to us, whereas we provide solutions, many of which are original and tailored to our clients' specific order, the nature of their business, and unique needs. At the same time, we keep in mind to create added value for the client.
The environment and water management
MGGP S.A. offers extensive experience and knowledge in water management and environmental protection.
We prepare local, regional, and national planning documents, concepts, solution designs, and methodological studies. The necessity to conduct these studies results primarily from the implementation of the requirements specified in the European Union legislation, i.e., the Water Framework Directive, the Floods Directive and the Nitrates Directive. Our projects aim to protect inland surface waters, transitional waters, coastal waters, and ground waters and provide a foundation for steps to reduce the negative effects of flooding and drought. Our company is also experienced in developing protection action plans and protection mission plans of nature reserves, landscape parks, national parks, and the NATURA 2000 sites.
What is more, our experienced team of environmental engineering, hydrology, hydrotechnics, and environmental protection experts ensures that all infrastructure solutions are implemented with care for the sustainability of natural systems and the continuity of the environment by limiting the impact on vulnerable areas and avoiding the creation of barriers to the functioning of nature.
Modernization of the Land and Property Register
As service providers, we support local administration bodies required by the legislation to keep the Land and Building Survey. The scope of modernization works — as one of the tasks related to keeping records — includes, among others, desk studies and fieldwork to update information about land and properties, as well as transfer the information to a digital carrier.
Part of the work involves determining border points and lines of registered parcels of land. This is initially based on the already existing reliable surveying documentation or, in its absence, the data on the boundary lines collected via fieldwork or photogrammetry measurements preceded by determining these boundaries. In most procurement, buildings and premises are also handled simultaneously.
The result of the modernization works is an up-to-date public register of digital and descriptive data on land, buildings, and premises and data on property owners.
The purpose of digitization is to convert content to digital, which allows preserving often unique archival collections in digital form, and then share documents in electronic form. We begin our work by analyzing the client's needs and selecting the technological solutions that ensure the achievement of the anticipated results.
In planning the process, we draw on our years of experience in digitizing various documents (large-format maps, non-standard data carriers, i.e., tracing paper, foil, sheet metal, 19th-century documents). We ensure the security of digitized documentation in transport and at every stage of work, and guarantee the protection of personal data and sensitive data thanks to the implemented information security procedures.
Our experienced staff and automated and manual monitoring at all stages of production guarantee a high-quality end product.
As part of the process, we scan the documents, geocode them based on their content, categorize and segregate them, create their structures, directory trees, analyze the content of documents, create databases of information characterizing the documents (metadata), and provide the client's system with digitized documents and their metadata.
Spatial data processing
With our own spatial data processing center, we provide outsourcing services in this field. While processing raster, LIDAR, vector, and object-oriented data provided to us by the client or obtained by MGGP S.A., we transform raw data into complete spatial information. The scope of our work includes conversion, analysis, integration, and visualization of the spatial data. With specialized tools and modern technologies, we ensure the fast and professional delivery of the assigned projects. Our experts have years of experience in processing spatial data for various industries, formats, and standards, which allows us to deliver the highest quality products.
Formal and legal documentation
For formal and legal documentation, we perform surveying works as part of regulating the legal status of borders, prepare property division maps for road, railway, and gas projects, and provide watercourse lines identification. We provide support in this field through every stage of the project implementation process.
The Digital Terrain Model and the Digital Surface Model are basic photogrammetry products. We currently provide them using the point cloud database from the LiDAR airborne laser scanning. DTM and DSM are created by processing and categorizing the points measured with the use of laser technology. DTM is a digital representation of the terrain, while DSM is augmented with objects located on its surface.
Control networks
The scope of our service includes providing horizontal and vertical control networks, as well as national networks. The implementation of railway projects involves designing, installing, measuring, and aligning all the statutory control networks required at a given stage, such as basic and detailed horizontal railway control networks, vertical railway control networks, and the Railway Special Grid (KOS).
Creation / adaptation of the Topographic Database (BDOT500) and the Surveying Register of Utility Networks (GESUT)
We perform tasks related to the creation, adaptation, or update of the Topographic Database (BDOT500) and the Surveying Register of Utility Networks (GESUT). We run projects involving a wide range of tasks using various software customized to the procurement requirements. The tasks include, for example, converting data to the standard model, updating the information based on surveying documentation, digitizing the resources, and verifying them based on the current sources, including orthophotomaps, field inspection maps, or survey data. We additionally perform synchronization works with the Land and Building Register. To ensure the integrity of the Surveying Register of Utility Networks (GESUT) with survey resources, we also coordinate the initial base together with the entities controlling utility networks.
The result of the work is up-to-date, consistent, and standardized GESUT and BDOT500 databases.
Map preparation
As part of our map preparation service, we deliver base maps for planning and design purposes. They are currently created as 2D or 3D digital maps. Most commonly, they are based on data collected in the Surveying and Mapping Resource Center (ODGiK) or other special units administering survey resources for restricted areas. The input material undergoes a field inspection and a follow-up direct measurement in the field. The preparation of base maps for design purposes involves creating a digital terrain model (DTM), conducting survey analysis, gathering information from the Local Spatial Development Plan (MPZP), and creating statutory control networks, such as basic and detailed horizontal control networks, as well as vertical control networks for railway projects. We also prepare orthophotomaps and survey maps for gas projects.
Project surveying service
As part of our surveying service, we provide comprehensive surveying works throughout the construction of roads and railways (for all industries, including bridges), buildings, energy networks, and pipelines. The scope of our work includes, among others, setting up and measuring the control networks, staking out, taking control measurements, and real-time inventory. We take measurements of sinking and displacements of objects and structures. We prepare cut-fill balances and take periodic measurements of earthworks volume. We develop 3D models for machine control systems. Upon finishing the project, we provide as-built documentation, such as as-built maps, profiles, or track adjustment protocols, depending on the project. We also provide stabilization of border points and road lanes.
River cross-section measurements
The scope of the river cross-sections measurement service includes comprehensive surveying works related to the preparation of Flood Hazard Maps and Flood Risk Maps, in particular, measurements of channel cross-sections of watercourses and reservoirs, measurements of bridges, hydrotechnical structures, and flood banks. We use both standard surveying methods and bathymetric measurements. We also create spatial layers of channel, valley, engineering structures, and flood banks cross-sections.
Our next photogrammetry product. It is a raster image of the terrain developed by processing aerial photographs in an orthogonal projection for any given region. Orthophotomaps are created in real colors (R, G, B) or near-infrared (NIR, R, G) in a given coordinate system and scale. Due to their high level of accuracy, orthophotomaps resemble classic maps, however, with aerial photographs serving as their base, they are much easier to interpret than classic vector maps. They are effectively used as a source of information in many fields, e.g., for monitoring changes in the environment, providing image interpretation, and measuring the distance or dimensions of objects located on them.
Laser scanning
We provide classification of point cloud derived from airborne laser scanning. The scope of our work is adjusted to the client's requirements. The technical guidelines may involve both type and number of product classes and delivering additional derivative products, such as digital terrain models, digital surface models, various types of 3D models, and visualizations.
Management and supervision of industrial gas infrastructure construction
We provide services for companies of strategic importance to the Polish economy and national security, such as Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and Gas Distribution System Operator — Polska Spółka Gazownictwa Sp. z o.o. (PSG), the largest company of the PGNiG Capital Group.
The key responsibility of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. is to transport industrial fuels via the transmission network across the country in order to supply distribution networks and end-users connected to the transmission system, while the key responsibility of PSG Sp. z o.o. is to ensure reliable and safe transport of industrial fuels via the distribution network directly to end-users and networks of other local operators.
We provide construction supervision and environmental monitoring, and we manage the projects necessary for the key task performance of both companies.
We also oversee surveying, welding, archaeological, occupational health and safety, and bomb disposal works. Prior to launching a project, during the so-called preparatory phase, we review the design documentation and issued decisions in order to identify any possible irregularities to be corrected. The quality management system plays a key role in the process of managing the construction of gas pipelines. It imposes a number of obligations on all participants of the construction process, ensuring safety at the construction site and later at the operation stage, as well as ensuring that the investors' expectations and requirements are met.
All supervisory teams are managed by the contract manager, with construction control inspectors and assistants in respective industries, plus a qualified team of experts handling settlements, environmental protection, technology, NDE examinations, welding robots, cathodic protection, and quality management.
Consulting and technical support (B2B)
With our professional experience in major infrastructure projects, including virtually all possible aspects of engineering and managing logistically complex projects of very high value and with relatively tight deadlines, we provide broadly defined B2B engineering consulting services, for entities involved in the construction processes.
We provide specialists with appropriate licenses in each industry and legal services regarding claims arising between contracting parties throughout the implementation of any project tasks.
Management and supervision of residential projects
For the real estate industry and throughout the implementation of any public utility facilities, we provide representation services in the full or selected scope. We provide full or customized supervision services for the real estate industry and throughout the construction of any state-owned facilities.
At the implementation stage, we provide supervision and coordinate the course of the entire project along with its settlement and obtaining an occupancy permit.
Aside from the complete project supervision required by the building law, we also provide surveying, geotechnical, geological engineering, heritage conservator, environmental, and archaeological supervision. We verify and coordinate design works, settlement of the project, and control the quality of materials and works provided by the contractor. If necessary, we order laboratory tests in accredited units that we cooperate with all over Poland. We provide legal services as well as scheduling and reporting specialists.
Our participation as a professional entity involved in the preparation and implementation of real estate projects is positively received by the investment funds or banks engaged by the investor in financing the project.
Management and supervision of road infrastructure construction
We provide services for the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA) – the administrator of national roads in Poland – and for other road operators. These services involve comprehensive management and supervision of motorways, expressways, national, provincial, district, and communal roads projects.
We verify and coordinate design work for design-build contracts. We oversee archaeological, environmental and surveying works. We inspect for quality and quantity of the works performed. We review the work progress by monitoring design and construction works and their compliance with the plan. We perform inspection checks of the installed materials and provide construction work acceptance. We settle the contract on an ongoing basis by issuing Interim Payment Certificates. We also perform promotion activities. Upon completion of construction works, we provide supervision throughout the defect notification period.
All supervisory teams are managed by an engineer and a resident engineer, with construction control inspectors and assistants in respective industries, plus a qualified team of experts handling claims, settlements, environmental protection, technology, etc.
Most road construction contracts are based on the contractual agreements recommended for use by the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC).
Management and supervision of railway infrastructure construction
We provide services for the administrator of the national railway network in Poland, PKP PLK S.A., by managing and supervising the implementation of projects related to the construction and reconstruction of railway stations and lines as well as the auxiliary infrastructure.
We manage the contract and make settlements for the contractor. We review and coordinate design documentation for the design-build contracts. We verify the quality of installed materials and their compliance with the contract requirements as set by the investor, and verify measurements and surveying works. We provide environmental and archeological supervision, and analyze the progress of works and their compliance with the schedule of works and expenditures. We fulfill obligations arising from connection agreements and agreements for collision removal, that is, completion of construction and installation works, which includes supplying power to the overhead catenary system and non-traction loads. We provide commissioning over the period of work implementation and supervision during the warranty and defect notification period. We give special attention to the safety of railway transport operations in compliance with the procedures of the safety management system specified in the PKP PLK regulations.
All supervisory teams are managed by an engineer and a resident engineer, with construction control inspectors and assistants in respective industries, plus a qualified team of experts handling claims, settlements, environmental protection, technology, and track closures. Our experts in the field of rail transport operations, overhead catenary systems, track systems, and GSM-R, MPLS, DWDM, NSS, BSS, and ETCS telecommunications systems are a key factor of the process.
All railroad contracts are based on contractual agreements recommended for use by the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC).
Gas infrastructure projects
MGGP S.A. offers professional design services in preparing complete project documentation, as part of which we provide conceptual alternatives, feasibility studies, technical and economic viability analyses for trenchless installations, documentation necessary to obtain decisions on environmental conditions on a site location of the projects for terminals, documentation and water-law permits, construction designs with valid construction permits for line-projects in the industrial gas sector with the technology necessary for their operation. We also prepare multidisciplinary detailed designs for linear and technology sectors, including cathodic protection, architectural structures, C&I equipment, road, electrical, telecommunication, cathodic and mechanical protection, completed with multi-sector bills of quantities and project cost estimates, acceptance documentation for the Bureau of Technical Inspection (UDT), pressure testing projects along with the necessary water-law decisions, operational plans, construction management plan, along with the project architect’s supervision in compliance with the construction law, providing designers and experts with building license to design and professional experience in the respective specialization.
Railway infrastructure projects
Railway infrastructure services are one of the most important segments of MGGP S.A.'s activity. Our company has completed or is in the process of completing projects in the construction and modernization of railway networks, many of which are of key national and international importance, such as Rail Baltica or the construction of the new railway line Podłęże – Szczyrzyc – Tymbark/Mszana Dolna.
As part of the offer, MGGP S.A. performs design studies, from the program-spatial concepts (along with necessary technical and economic analyses), through construction and detailed designs, environmental studies (wildlife inventories, project outline specifications, environmental reports), all decisions and permits necessary for the project implementation, to the preparation of tender documentation and project architect's supervision throughout the construction works.
Years of experience in preparing multidisciplinary design documentation for the Polish State Railways – PKP PLK (including projects for track systems with railroad bed and drainage, platform designs with architectural elements, projects for access routes adapted to the needs of people with reduced mobility, engineering structures of varying degrees of complexity and system solutions providing the full functionality of design intent) and our staff of highly qualified specialists in various fields guarantee the professional and timely implementation of assigned tasks at every stage of the project.
W procesie paszportyzacji inwentaryzujemy majątek sieciowy przedsiębiorstw, skupiając się na dostarczeniu kompleksowej informacji o danych technicznych, hierarchii i położeniu w przestrzeni poszczególnych elementów sieci. Nasi eksperci analizują potrzeby biznesowe Klienta oraz charakter, stan i kompletność istniejących danych, po to by wypracować i zaproponować optymalne dla Klienta rozwiązania. Weryfikację informacji i uzupełnienie zidentyfikowanych braków realizujemy w procesie inwentaryzacji, którego metody i techniki dobieramy adekwatnie do potrzeb. Zintegrowanymi danymi zasilamy bazy danych systemów GIS. W procesie paszportyzacji dostarczamy naszym Klientom dane do efektywnego zarządzania majątkiem sieciowym.